Unusual Entertainment Pte Ltd
《張學友 60+巡迴演唱會》新加坡終極加場 8 月 3、4 日! 2023 年張學友突破極限, 破天荒呈獻 11 場演唱會, 成為新加坡最多場次演唱會記錄持有人。
門票分 $388, $328, $288, $208, $168 (未包括 $4 行政費), 6月30日, 早上 10 點 (GMT+8) 通過 ticketmaster.sg/activity/detail/23_jc60 公開發售。訂票熱線 3158 8588 或到全島 Singpost 購票。
最後搶票機會! 讓我們一起和張學友唱響新加坡室內體育館!
Jacky Cheung is simply irresistible! Two final nights of "Jacky Cheung 60+ Concert Tour" Singapore will be added on 3-4 August 2023, making it a grand total of 11 shows - the greatest number of shows by a single artiste in Singapore.
Tickets priced at $388, $328, $288, $208, $168 (yet to include $4 ticketing fee) will go on sale 30 June, 10am (GMT+8) via ticketmaster.sg/activity/detail/23_jc60. Also available at all Singpost outlets islandwide or call 3158 8588.
Are you ready to sing along with Jacky Cheung?